The summer is blazing away and we’re into August already. That can only mean one thing – the hockey season is only 4 weeks away! We will be fielding 6 mens teams and 4 ladies teams, plus junior squads – a record size for the club. Captains will be in touch to inform you of the squad you’re in.
Here’s what you need to know running up to the season:
Season Dates:
As usual there will be several weeks of friendlies at the beginning of the season. This will vary from team to team, as we look to balance availability of players coming back from summer with the need to get squads out for competition. Friendlies will run for approx 3 weekends before the season starts. Therefore the key dates for the diary are:
- 1st September 2018 – First friendly fixtures
- 22nd September 2018 – First League Fixture
Preseason Training
Preseason training is currently running. It is free, so please make use of the time available!
- Ladies Monday 8-9pm
- Mens Wednesday 8-10pm
Season Training
Season training starts in 4 weeks time. Please ensure you have completed your online registration prior to the season starting. Subs have remained unchanged, so please help the club by paying as soon as you can. Start dates for each session are detailed below:
Mens Section Training | Wednesday 5th September | 8:00-10:00pm |
Ladies Section Training | Thursday 6th September | 7:30-10:00pm |
Junior U8 & U10 Training | Sunday 9th September | 9:15-10:30am |
Juniors U12 & U14 Training | Tuesday 11th September | 6:00-7:00pm |
Junior U16s Training | Monday 10th September | 8:00-9:00pm |
See you all on the pitch!