Each AGM, we review and vote on changes to club fees. We do our best to keep fees as low as we can, while still paying for the many club costs. Therefore, for the 2018-2019 Season, the following membership arrangements will apply:
- Cash
- Cheque – made payable to “Slazenger Hockey Club”
- Direct transfer – SORT CODE: 05-04-09, ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62986150
- Standing Order – using the form found here; to pay monthly. These must be started by the end of October.
Please note that all Under 16 subs will be collected by the junior section (except “family payments”).
Having reviewed our operating costs for the club, senior section membership fees will remain unchanged. However, this season, there will be a £10 charge for players who don’t pay their membership fees before 31st October. Further, any player who doesn’t pay by 1st December will also not be selected until they have paid.

Match fees will also remain unchanged. Please note that these fees apply for friendly, league and cup fixtures for the season.
This season, the way we manage junior membership costs is changing. The system we use currently of an up front membership fee, plus training and match fees has become increasingly hard to manage as the section has grown and the number of training sessions increases. Tracking payments from week to week, collecting match fees and managing all the cash for 100 players for 3 different training sessions a week, and 8 different teams is a real headache! We also believe that this system makes costs expensive for the vast majority of players who play and train frequently, as all the small payments add up.
For juniors playing Saturday senior league hockey, they will still have to pay the £4 match fee. However, we believe that this new membership system helps us maintain our goal of keeping the cost of our sport as low as possible; helping more people play, and offers a substantial saving compared with a regular season of individual payments.

We understand it is a big change to previous years, but hope that you see the benefits for everyone in switching to this system. If you have any questions, please get in touch. To help clarify, we have tried to preempt any questions you may have:
Junior Q&A
For new members after Christmas, there will be a pro-rata reduction (i.e. 50% charge). During the season, there will be a 1 month grace period for all new members where the discount rate applies. (i.e. 3 usual weeks of free sessions + 4 weeks at the low rate).
This only covers junior hockey. If your son/daughter plays for a Saturday senior side, they will still be required to pay £4 match fee for each game they play.
The £300 family cap still applies.
We’re aware that £80 is a lot of money for anyone. However, we pride our self on keeping hockey costs as low as possible. At this price, we will continue to one of the cheapest junior hockey membership in Yorkshire, and compared with other junior football and other sports, we’re still comparatively cheap!
The hockey club is a large organisation to manage, and coordinating subs accounts for large portion of this. We have to organise teams, league competition and training across a wide range of age groups and it is all completed by volunteers who do it all for free. We simply ask that membership fees are paid as early as possible. This helps with our cashflow and reduces the huge task of club management. Every effort is made to make payment as easy as possible, and as such we believe a £10 charge is not unreasonable if a player has been playing for 8 weeks without payment.
There are no Yorkshire Youth Hockey Leagues for Under 18’s, and as such those 16 and older will play Saturday hockey in the senior structure. Those players pay half the full senior cost (£40 membership, £4 match fees).
Unfortunately not. It has been decided by the committee that we should only manage one system. The new one provides a good saving for all members, and eases management for the club. We provide 3 free sessions to try the sport before asking for money, and a further grace period of 4 weeks at the low rate for new players in season. We believe this is sufficient to be able to decide, and is well in line with all other sports clubs in the county.