Sportathon Update Meeting 19th May
The local fundraising manager from Cancer Research – a young lady called Lynne attended the meeting. She is very keen to help in any way that she can.
Progress from the last meeting
Kelly has spoken to “Soul Divine” who will definitely play for free and we would like to go ahead with their offer. No progress with food yet – Geoff suggested pie and peas and will approach Charlesworths. A suggestion that we have a sweep on the number of goals scored. Auction – prizes as listed at the last meeting and Paul is to chase up a donation from Capri and Cinnamon Lounge. There will be pre-bidding for those not able to attend the event and Geoff will speak to Matthew and Hayley about how to organise this.
Lynne will help us to set up a “Just Giving” page.
Geoff has spoken to the central unit of Cancer Research and it is not possible for us to buy a specific item for the Royal Marsden Hospital. They have suggested that we pay for a centrifuge or a microscope that is likely to be sited at the Cambridge Institute. Another option is that the money raised could go to Yorkshire Cancer Research based in Leeds but we are not sure yet if we could purchase a specific piece of equipment.
We could also restrict it to a certain type of cancer research. More information is to be requested from Cancer Research about what type of equipment they may need, and also a local project.
Lynne can provide items for the day e.g. balloons, banners, collection buckets. She can also give us a letter of authority and provide the tickets for the evening function. She can supply short videos to be shown on the evening as to where the money raised goes. She suggested 20p tubes for people to start collecting 20p pieces and asked if anyone works for a company who does match funding.