In a bid to improve communication within the club Steve has built up a database of e-mails we currently have for our membership. This newsletter is the first item to be sent via this route (as well as by “snail mail”). If it has arrived anywhere where it and any future mailings are not wanted please reply to Steve Wood Also if anyone would like an address adding to the list then please send mail to Steve or fill in the request within the ticket request slip below.
Presentation Day & BBQ.
We will be holding what has become one of the highlights of our social calendar on 7th May at the club. The format will be the same as in previous years. 10am till noon “Parents v Kids” followed by a BBQ and presentation’s to all age groups. It is important that we know numbers in advance for catering. Tickets are available at training, or from coaches on match days, 4.50 Adults & 2.50 for Children. Alternatively complete and send off the slip below with your payment. Ticket price also includes entry into the raffle (for which prizes would also be gratefully received).
For tickets please send this slip to Alan Perry, 5 Park Grove, Horbury, Wakefield, WF4 6EE (01924 276397 to arrive by Monday 1st May.
Player of the Year.
Please ensure you give your vote to your team manager. You can only vote for ONE person in your actual age group, and you must not vote for yourself. The person should be the person who you think has given the most to the TEAM this season in both training and playing in matches not just someone who is your friend.
Development of the junior section.
Slazenger’s junior section has seen it’s membermhip almost double in the last 18 months. Whilst these new members are most welcome it has put a strain on our coaching resource. Also for this season we did not foresee the need to enter more teams in the Yorkshire youth hockey leagues, leading to some of our boys & girls who were ready and able missing out on tournament experience. Shortly seven of our coaching assistants are to complete England Hockey’s level 1 coaching course. This should improve the quality of training Slazenger’s can offer it’s junior membership next season. However for us to be able to commit to running more teams next season and therefore give more children match experience we are looking for willing parents to act as team secretaries or assistant secretaries. Please consider putting yourself forward and get involved with your club. It’s not as hard as you may think, and you may even enjoy it!